Wanting what’s right



For a considerable time UKIP has championed the right that the UK should be in control of its own laws and borders and to leave the European union, as a result the party and its supporters have previously and currently been labeled as racist, anti-immigration, anti-European, far right activists and bigots, which is simply not the case.

Supporting a political party which received over £4m votes from the British public in the last election cannot be deemed as a protest party or a party which is out of touch with the people of the UK, UKIP is a party which identifies with many of the publics fears, displeasure and the call for change that the “mainstream” parties have failed to address with any conviction for decades, but because a party such as UKIP has dared to challenge the status quo, it has been a victim of an unparalleled smear campaign against the party, it’s members and its supporters that has been unyielding for some years.

Wanting an evenhanded country, which is fair, honest and equal to all is not something that is an impossible dream, however it is if the status quo refuse to acknowledge the fears and concerns of the UK’s people. Wanting a UK that can control its own laws so that we can determine how the country is governed and what powers we as a country can impose on our own people should be a human right for every UK citizen to enjoy and be dependent on. Wanting a country that has the power to determine how we as a country spend our own money should be a human right every UK citizen should be entitled too from its elected government. Wanting a country that has a fair, realistic, economically intelligent and controlled immigration border is a human right every country in the world should be entitled to and not directed by an overseas governing body that has little or no understanding about the needs or requirements of that country. Wanting a country that refuses to pay for overseas projects in the name of aid is not being racist or evasion of our world responsibilities to protect countries that need our help in a time of need, it’s about being in control of our countries budget and providing for our people first, that is not racist that’s an accountability and obligation to the people of the UK.

UKIP supporters and members are not racist they are just disheartened and concerned that the people of the UK are being put to the back while we constantly strive to please and appear unoffending to others.

Immigration is vital to the prosperity of the UK, but it has to be controlled and managed with fairness and need as the forefront, that is not racist, that is the mark of a country that’s being responsible and intelligent about its needs and the security of its people.

The UK must leave the EU if it is to achieve the standard of living the people of the UK deserve, we can and are more than accomplished to negotiate our own trade agreements, business relationships, immigration, laws and financial responsibilities to survive without the bureaucratic, interfering and totalitarian that the EU has become.

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