Betrayed by liars


Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have both agreed to join together to ask the EU Commission to intervene and challenge the decision legally if the UK vote to leave the European Union, the Stronger In movement are now in alarm at the sudden shift towards Brexit support. Both the Prime Minister and the Labour leader are at the forefront of the plan to stop any vote to leave the EU and will try to secure a second referendum or make the vote void. The EU have also indicated to David Cameron that if one party overspends within their allocated budget the UK electoral commission could enforce the second referendum due to rules being broken.

Both leaders are fighting for their political lives by joining the remain campaign, but victory for Brexit would surely put their creditability in the limelight and certainly would mean the end of David Cameron, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given David Cameron her personal assurance that the EU will fight any Brexit victory through the courts which could take years with no time limit to reach a decision.

The Prime Minister seems to be prepared to fall to unchartered depths in his aim to secure the UK’s future within the EU, Jeremy Corbyn has gone from left wing terrorist supporter to an EU pimp within days, he has betrayed the loyal labour voters and hoodwinked the new members who paid their membership fee to get him into the position only to be made into an utter fools.

We are in a new Battle of Britain and we must encourage everyone to see the facts hidden behind a web of lies by the Stronger In movement, we must stop our nation being dictated to by German and Brussels who’s motivation is total control of the UK.

In the Battle of Britain our heroes were brave young men in spitfires, today our heroes will be those who use a pen not a bullet, VOTE LEAVE and become a modern day hero.










40 thoughts on “Betrayed by liars

  1. We are just fighting our corrupt Tory government now we have got to fight the leader of lie-bor compo corbyn…heir merkel has said that he/she will fight a out vote through the courts while dodgy Dave and compo corbyn come together to sway the out voters..all this is very undemocratic it shows the British people just how much corruption and lying is running through these two parties…fixed on tying the UK to the corrupt EU…the British voters will not get a fare vote even if the leave camp win..they intend to fight the decision through the courts…but whatever happens above it won’t change my vote to leave..we need to get away as far as possible from these corrupt parties…once we brexit we can get rid of dodgy Dave and compo corbyn and replace them with democratic PM/MPs…then hopefully heir merkel will become history…but only brexit can make it happen…….


    1. How can their own Party members STOMACH such base behaviour by their leaders? THEY THEMSELVES being so corrupt is one thing, but their CONFIDENT ASSUMPTION THAT THEIR OWN PARTY MEMBERSHIP ARE AS DEBASED AS THEMSELVES IS QUITE STAGGERING! HOW CAN decent (if understandably, puzzled,) ordinary political workers and supporters of all shades STAND to be led INTO THIS CAMPAIGN by persons of such TOTAL ABSENCE OF MORAL STANDARDS?
      How can WE stand to be REPRESENTED by such ‘persons’?


      1. I would like to see another source regarding this information. There is nothing on the internet to confirm the allegations in this blog. Also would Brian Reece provide more information of who he is? There are many Brian Reece’s, it would be good have a bio beside his name at the header.


    2. I’m sorry. I’m a confirmed leaver, but without links or proof that this approach has been made, then it is scaremongering of the worst kind and brings the leave campaign into disrepute. It takes us lower than the “in” campaign. Bring your proof, or delete this.


      1. I agree. I do think we need to verify this claim as it is a very serious accusation. I am a Brexiter and I am tired of scaremongering from both sides.


  2. They have no right to even consider this. No means No. You shouldn’t have to stay where you don’t want to. The ta payers of Britain run this country not corrupt politicians who think they do 😡


    1. Keep telling yourself that.

      Cameron and co have been running this country with or without your say so for the last God knows how many years now – doing what they like, when they like.
      Leaving the EU would just give them more of the same. More things they can do when they like, whatever it may be!


  3. “German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given David Cameron her personal assurance that the EU will fight any Brexit victory through the courts”. That’s quite a serious suggestion, do you have anything ‘official’ to back it up?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is the main problem, what power has one single state got, when they can make promises to Cameron about what the EU will do. This Adolf Merkel is one of the main problems in the EU and the sooner she is voted out the better. I can see blood on our streets yet!


      1. Grow up !!! wake up & smell the coffee !! Mr. Farage is the only voice we have to give us honesty. He is a trye patriot.


  4. “German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given David Cameron her personal assurance that the EU will fight any Brexit victory through the courts”. This is a serious allegation, do you have any ‘official’ corroboration for it?


  5. The repercussions of this would be horrendous. Thoughts of Mussolini dangling from a lamp post spring to mind.


  6. If they ignore this all hell will break lose everywhere!
    Article 50

    1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.

    2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union. That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article 218(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It shall be concluded on behalf of the Union by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

    3. The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.

    4. For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in decisions concerning it.

    A qualified majority shall be defined in accordance with Article 238(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

    5. If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article 49.


  7. So Corbyn is the traitor he seemed to be from day one? Surprise, surprise.
    What did anyone expect from a vegetarian? I am not joking. I have nothing against vegetarians, but when real left-wing politics are swapped for a vague anti-war posture coupled with heaps of Goody-Two Shoes political correctness and vegetarianism, one can’t help thinking that if the whole thing feels like BS, it probably is.
    And then, it turns out it is.


    1. I would like to know why Corbyn has decided that after 40 years apposing the EU, since he became leader of the Labour party he has changed his mind and jumped into bed with Cameron and the Conservatives. Corbyn seems to have had a sudden change of heart last September, I wonder why. A very unreliable man that can’t be trusted with our future.


      1. Clearly the Bilderbergers have leant on him. Watch David Noakes Edge 11 videos and you will see exactly why Corbyn, Camoron, Clarke, Kinnock, Blair, Osborne etc etc have all “changed” their minds. When you have watched this invaluable series then please spread this link far and wide. When people watch this they will never support the EU ever again.


  8. We need to sort all these slime bags out by going on the streets to demonstrate and take them on face to face like the French do, Who do they think they are. I think we need civil action in a big way if the country is ignored.


  9. Personally, I believe that no matter What the PUBLIC (you and me) vote, we will still remain IN….. you just watch….. I also believe that there is more to this than meets the eye, and we are not being told everything, there is always an underlining reason, and we’ll only find out After it happens…. (Back-Handers spring to mind)……. and once you allow the Politicians to remain IN, you will NEVER get them out of office for whatever reason simply because the EU will have the final say on anything. CORRUPTION STARTS HERE !!


  10. Jesus Christ you as well.

    Read and inwardly digest you silly twit. If we were to leave the EU, this would leave anyone in leadership with total and complete control over every aspect of our lives, the rules, the regulations, the legal system, the health services (not that they exist in NHS format anymore apparently), and so on and so forth. Are we really in a position to vote to leave when we have Cameron at the helm? Or Corbyn “the traitor” (by your own words)? And if it doesn’t matter because Osborn can take over when Cameron quits or gets shoved out, then there’s another plonker you don’t want in complete control, a bloody junky!

    STAY IN!!!


    1. That’s how this country has operated for the past 500 or 600 years you muppet. We don’t need to be dictated to by unelected anti-English eurocrats. Fools like you will be the death of our once proud nation and your very existence is an insult to the many thousands of brave servicemen who died to give you your freedom. You disgust me. OUT OUT OUT !!!


    2. And do you really think that if we stay in we’ll be better off bearing in mind that we will then be at the mercy of the EU with THEIR silly rules and regulations. They know we’ll never get another referendum so we will be a “captive” audience and at the total beck and call even MORE than we are now. They will have us EXACTLY where they want us. TRAPPED!!


      1. Of course we will be better off out. Lack of backbone was never an attractive characteristic and used to be very rare in England. However Marcus has a surfeit.

        Marcus watch this and then tell me you really want to stay in. Let’s get our sovereignty back and get rid of the German ex-Queen who broke her Coronation Oath to allow this legislation to go through and put her on trial for treason!


  11. We fought the Germans twice and won I’m sure we can do it again once again the eu telling us what to do in our own country that our parents fought for FREEDOM I will never vote labour again it’s Nigel farage all the way for me


  12. It’s rediciculous any such denial to the British people of a democratic result in a reforemdon would signal the end of the Tories and labour as a political party. Not only that the danger of a prolonged period of violent unrest in the UK which would undoubtedly follow would be enough to deter such action by the IN DISALLUSIONISTS!!!


  13. If this is true it is the end of democracy in the UK. Which ever way people choose to vote this action would be truly shameful if carried out


  14. The EU are looking for the slightest excuse to get their own way using legislation wherever and when ever possible. they will hold a second referendum and pour millions in advertising and other underhanded methods to win, especially in Britain’s case as if we leave the EU then they are finished. Us Eurosceptic’s are going to have to fight this campaign with one hand tied behind our backs as at the moment they think they hold all the cards as we were only permitted this referendum because Cameron knew what the outcome would be, but he did not count on the aggressiveness of the leave campaign. Undoubtedly the EU will find some excuse for a second referendum. I would suggest that if the people vote to leave on the first referendum they march on parliament quote Magna Carta and declare Britains membership of the EU ILLEGAL and TAKE BACK our country from the hands of our now corrupt politicians!


  15. As I have said before, Cameron offered us a referendum, he did not say he would abide with the result


  16. The only way around this is for the people of this country get together and overthrow the government but that won’t happen as all the people will not stick together.


  17. We would need to take over the BBC because as it stands their paymasters the EU will not let them broadcast the truth even if they wanted to. But since the BBC are filled with rank upon rank of Common Purpose seditious oiks they are all so far up Merkel’s fat arse they’ll probably never see the light of day ever again.


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